Setup of automation systems and monitoring
The company has a separate branch "Automation", which specializes in performing complete engineering in the field of industrial automation. Thanks to its many years of experience in this field (completed over 50 projects in the last 15 years in the Energy, Metallurgy, Chemical, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Pulp and Paper industries, etc.), as well as its team consisting of experienced in this field specialists, the department is able to offer consumers quality comprehensive services.

Detailed design, algorithms, application software
Development of a Detailed Design in accordance with the Terms of Reference, design standards in Bulgaria, regulatory documents (laws, regulations, methodologies and other Bulgarian official regulations and documents of the European Union)
Start-up and Commissioning works
- System tests;
- On-site testing and inspection of equipment;
- Check and adjust the individual modules and elements of the system;
- Comprehensive check of the functions after putting the system into operation;
- Functional tests in normal mode;
- Functional tests in special and limit modes;
- Carrying out complex tests and commissioning.