А protocol 16 was signed оn 23.03.2017 for the following projects built by Start Engineering JSCo on the territory of Simeonovgrad municipality: the Simeonovgrad traction substation, a road for access to it, a transformer station and a water main, as well as power lines 110kV with a total length of more than 12 kilometers.
After the successful acceptance of the construction without any remarks and the high quality of performance, a band cutting ceremony was carried out under the project "Reconstruction and Electrification of the Dimitrovgrad - Svilengrad Railway Line", Item 3 "Construction of new traction substations in Simeonovgrad and Svilengrad and extension of the existing traction substation Dimitrovgrad ". The tape was cut by engineer Toncho Karadjov, Project Manager by the Contracting Authority NRIC in the presence of engineer Bonka Vachkova, Chief Inspector at the National Road Infrastructure Agency, representatives of the municipality, construction supervision, regional fire safety and protection of the population, RIEW , MoEW, EVN and the Contractor.