A large-scale project for complete reconstruction and electrification of Plovdiv – Svilengrad railway is in a process of execution on corridors IV and IX, which includes construction of new traction power substations in Simeonovgrad and Svilengrad, and extension of the existing traction power substation in Dimitrovgrad.
The activities are scheduled for the period between 2012 to February 2014. The project of National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) is one of the largest and complex railway infrastructure sites. A number of leading engineering and construction companies will take part in it, performing reconstruction and partial doubling of approximately 150km railway, construction of catenary, traction substations, signaling systems, telecommunications and radio control, as well as facilities which could allow for complete doubling of the line in the future.
One of the key stages along the route encompasses Lot 3 from Phase 4 in relation to the traction substations, and according to the design Simeonovgrad TPS and Svilengrad TPS will be newly constructed, with installation of an entirely new modern equipment, corresponding to the highest international standards for reliability and safety. For the existing TPS in Dimitrovgrad, an extension is foreseen, comprising delivery and installation of a new 27,5kV outgoing line, as well as equipment of all 27,5kV outgoing lines with commercial measurement, system for alarm and surveillance equipment, fire alarm, CCTV and perimeter guard, automated meteorological station and system for dynamic compensation of the reactive power. A key element for the functioning of these substations will be the entire network of automated monitoring systems for control and monitoring of the highest class, constructed by the specialists of Start Engineering JSC. They will provide for the continuous and automated sending and collecting of data with information about the actual state in each one separate node, data analysis and data processing, as well as archiving, storage and visualization in real time. Each one of the systems has three levels of control, and an option for performing a remote computer connection is made possible for remote control from Central Dispatching Centre, and meanwhile, in need, the operation staff teams can also use a local control mode with the purpose of providing maximum security level. The technical construction of the complete engineering, design and installation activity are accomplished by the teams of Start Engineering JSC with observed deadlines, based on the best worldwide practices in the field of introduction, monitoring and control of electrical equipment and automation.