Start Project - design and research
“Start Project” Ltd. is part of one of the leading Bulgarian engineering companies - “Start Engineering” JSC. It was established in 2005 as a company limited by shares, performing its activity in the field of research and design of complex sites.

Design on part Electrical for:
- Power industry – electric power production and distribution;
- Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;
- Ecology and the facilities for environmental preservation;
- Transport infrastructure;
- Heat generation;
- Oil and Gas;
- Chemical industry;
- Cement industry.
The company has a team of specialists with designer’s certificates, who have proven their great experience in the design of large scale and key projects, while partnering with leading international companies on the market. The mutual work and the permanent pursuit of improvement, high quality and effectiveness make “Start Project” Ltd. a desired and stable partner.
In the last few years “Start Project” Ltd. successfully completed its participation on the design and execution of significant investment projects, among which are:
Leading projects
- Connecting of Co-generators for utilization of biogas to 110/6kV “Kubratovo” electrical substation
- "LUKOIL NEFTOCHIM” – Manufacturing of Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Units АВД-1 (АД5 and ВДМ-1): Steam generator section
- Connecting of new Co-generating capacities to the NEK Ltd. transfer grid at Toplofikacia Burgas: DC gear; 6,3kV gear; 21/10,5/6,3kV Outdoors Switchgear; MV cable grid; 15МVА 21/10,5/6,3kV transformer; 11kV gear;
- “Kurdzhali” Lead and Zinc Plant – Wet zinc extraction, Jarosite Mixers Section, New filter department, Cooling towers, 8 -2x1000kVA transformer substation, 6kV External cable grid, LV external cable grid;
- Connection of 12MVA generator, TPS-12, 2ЕУ3 to 6kV Main Switchgear of “Sviloza” TPP – “SVILOCELL” LTD through РП-1;
- Replacement of relay protections in: 220kV “Sofia South” Substation; 400kV “Sofia West” Substation; 400kV “Metallurgic” Substation; 220kV “Kazichene” Substation; 400kV “Zlatitsa” Substation; 220kV “Boychinovtsi” Substation.
A design of a first stage of a new Gas station started last year – two gas turbines of 63,5MVA each and a steam turbine of 27MW, 220kV Gear on the territory of the gas station and 220/110kV Gear of NEK for connecting to the transfer grid. Main investor (IPC contractor) is Group Five Energy, and the turbines are of General Electric. The design continues with a second stage – two 63,5MVA gas turbines and a 27MW steam turbine, 110kV Gear on the territory of the gas station and 110kV Gear of NEK for connecting to the transfer grid.
The design and research works for a new Gas station have begun – two 63,5MVA gas turbines and a 27MW steam turbine in the town of Silistra.
“START PROJECT” LTD has qualified specialists and sufficient technical facilities, in order to provide preparation of design documentation with high quality.